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Whole IgG Affinity-Purified Secondary Antibodies

"I have used a wide variety of secondaries and Jackson ImmunoResearch has consistently been the best. The fluorophores are bright and stable and their selective (x reactivity removed) secondaries have always shown species specificity in multiple labeling."

Janet Duerr, Ohio University

Rating: 5.0

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Jackson ImmunoResearch - Environmental Policy

Our Environmental Policy

Jackson ImmunoResearch is committed to sustainable and environmentally sound manufacture and distribution practices.

Our immediate goal is to minimize our impact on the environment by using renewable materials and recycling where we can in our everyday operations. We strive to develop long term solutions while building a culture of sustainability in the lab and beyond.

Our Commitment to Conservation


We are actively working to incorporate green methods and systems in our lab and facility with the goal of conserving key natural resources.

Product Manufacture:

We have streamlined our manufacture and distribution processes to be as efficient as possible to minimize waste. All products ship ambiently in glass and recyclable packaging materials.

Waste Reduction:

By promoting recycling efforts throughout operations and making intentional purchasing decisions, we are making a direct impact on the amount of waste that goes into landfills.

Energy Conservation:

We are actively working to reduce our carbon footprint in our facility and operations. We hope that by making small changes we can work towards larger goals.

Want to know more about our work towards a greener future at JIR? Contact us here.
