When you’re looking to push the limits of resolution in your microscopy, you need to harness the latest technology. Combining the unique properties of Jackson ImmunoResearch AffiniPure-VHH™ antibodies with Abberior’s super bright STAR dyes makes generating high-quality images with superior detail possible.
To learn more, register to view the recorded Webinar.

Katie Wolfe, Ph.D., Jackson ImmunoResearch
Katie is the manager of product development for Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories. She is an experienced R&D biochemist with a strong background in protein biochemistry. After gaining her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina, she has since worked in roles bringing new products through from R&D to manufacturing.

Kristina Kramer, Ph.D., Abberior
Kristina finished her Ph.D. in Biomolecular Chemistry at the University of Göttingen in 2022. After working as a postdoctoral researcher, she joined Abberior’s R&D team in 2023 and is involved in the development and application of fluorescent probes for super-resolution microscopy.

Evelyn Garlick, Ph.D., Abberior
Evelyn comes from the UK and completed her Ph.D. at the Universities of Birmingham and Nottingham in 2022. Since then, she has been a part of the MINFLUX Applications team at Abberior Instruments, working to help users get the most out of their MINFLUX microscopes.
In this webinar, our panel of antibody and microscopy experts will discuss the utility of JIR’s AffiniPure-VHH™ Secondary Antibodies for super-resolution microscopy when combined with Abberior’s super bright STAR dyes.
This webinar will last for approximately 60 minutes.
Learn more about JIR Affinipure™ VHH antibodies and Abberior dyes here
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Learn more: | Do more: |
Anti-Camelid Secondary Antibodies | Exhibition schedule |
Choosing your secondary antibody | AffiniPure-VHH™ for flow cytometry |
Colorimetric Western blotting |