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40 nm Colloidal Gold ChromPure® Human IgM (myeloma), whole molecule

Host: Human
Product: IgM (myeloma), whole molecule
Conjugate: 40 nm Colloidal Gold
Product Category: ChromPure® Purified Proteins from Normal Serums
RRID: AB_2888992
OD at 529 nm: 10.0 (see Specification Sheet)

Code: 009-400-012

1.0 ml

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Technical Info
ChromPure® is our trade name for highly purified proteins from the serum of non-immunized animals.
Physical State: Sterile-filtered liquid

Storage: Store at 2-8°C. Prepare working dilution on day of use.
Expiration date: one year from date of receipt. The expiration date may be extended if test results are acceptable for the intended use.

Purity: Based on immunoelectrophoresis at an antigen concentration of 20 mg/ml, the pattern of precipitation against goat anti-human whole serum is the same as that against goat anti-human IgM, Fc5μ fragment specific. No precipitin line was detected against goat anti-human IgG, Fc fragment specific; goat anti-human IgA, a chain specific; or goat anti-humanalpha-2 macroglobulin.
Buffer: 2.0 mM Sodium Borate, pH 9.0
Preservative: 0.05% Sodium Azide

Suggested Working Concentration or Dilution Range:
1:10 - 1:100

40 nm Colloidal Gold

Colloidal gold conjugates are widely used commercially in lateral flow immunoassays due to their ease of production, conjugate stability and intense optical properties that generate highly sensitive tests with results visible to the naked eye. Conjugates are prepared by passive absorption of the antibody to the gold particle, and are sterile filtered in a low ionic strength buffer containing a preservative.

This product is for in vitro research use only. It is not a medical device and it is not intended for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc. has trademark rights to ChromPure®.
