Unconjugated results are shown by default, to deselect unconjugated, select another conjugate option first.
Whole IgG Affinity-Purified Secondary Antibodies
"I have used a wide variety of secondaries and Jackson ImmunoResearch has consistently been the best. The fluorophores are bright and stable and their selective (x reactivity removed) secondaries have always shown species specificity in multiple labeling."
Add more color to your immunofluorescence with our NEW Brilliant Violet™ conjugates
Brilliant Violet 421 and Brilliant Violet 480 conjugated secondary antibodies allow you to add more colors to your multiple labeling assays in the violet-blue region of the spectrum.
Double immunofluorescence of Hep-2 cells using Brilliant Violet 421 and 480 conjugated secondary antibodies. Nuclei counterstained with DRAQ5.
Add more colors to multiple labeling assays with Brilliant Violet 421™ and Brilliant Violet 480™ conjugated secondary antibodies. When combined with Alexa Fluor® 488, Rhodamine-Red™-X, and Alexa Fluor® 647 conjugates, effective 5-color fluorescent labeling is possible.
If nuclear counterstaining is desired, 4-color antibody staining is possible using Brilliant Violet 421, Brilliant Violet 480, Alexa Fluor® 488 and Rhodamine Red™-X. Switching the nuclear stain from DAPI (emission in the blue region) to DRAQ5™ (which has red emission) frees the violet-blue region of the spectrum to accommodate the two Brilliant Violet dyes. DRAQ5’s excitation and emission profiles overlap those of Alexa Fluor 647.
These three options are summarized in the table below.
Excitation and emission curves for BV 421™, BV 480™, Alexa Fluor ® 488, Rhodamine Red™-X, and Alexa Fluor® 657. DRAQ5 can be used as a nuclear stain in place of Alexa Fluor 647.
Brilliant Violet Dyes
BD Brilliant Violet polymer chains can be considered as a collection of optical segments, each with the ability to absorb light and emit fluorescence signal. This results in materials that have a bright fluorescence signal for better resolution and sensitivity.
Light harvesting base polymers have multiple optical segments that can emit for fluorescence detection.
Recommended Filter Sets
Excitation (nm)
Emission (nm)
Chroma Filter Set
49302 or 49001
For more information on these filter sets, please go to the Chroma website.
Spectral Properties
Extinction co-efficient (M -1 cm-1)
Quantum Yield (ɸF)
Spectra Viewer
Use the spectra viewer below to compare Brilliant Violet Dyes with other fluorophores, along with instrument specifics (laser/filter) for suitability in your assay.